Testing ccp4-9


2024-07-15 12:58:18     8 M  ccp4-9-setup.tar.gz
2024-07-15 12:53:29     8 M  ccp4-9-setup-uni.dmg
2024-07-15 12:45:28    21 M  ccp4-9-setup.exe

Headless Installers*

2024-03-24 21:49:20     1 M  install_ccp4_9.ps1

To be ran from PowerShell or Command Prompt window.

powershell -executionpolicy bypass install_ccp4_9.ps1 [[-path] <instdir>] [-force] [-noclean]

<instdir>: path to installation directory, no spaces etc., default: C:/CCP4-9
-force: delete existing CCP4 installation at the same location, do not stop
-noclean: do not delete the subdirectory tmp with downloadeded zip-file and scripts


2024-07-16 14:27:22  4225 M  ccp4-9.0.001-win64.zip

macOS - Intel

2024-07-16 08:21:32  2820 M  ccp4-9.0.001-macosx64.tar.gz
2024-07-16 09:17:02  3489 M  ccp4-9.0.001-shelx-arpwarp-macosx64.tar.gz

macOS - ARM

2024-07-16 05:51:10  2786 M  ccp4-9.0.001-macosarm.tar.gz
2024-07-16 06:43:13  3448 M  ccp4-9.0.001-shelx-arpwarp-macosarm.tar.gz


2024-07-16 10:44:02  2836 M  ccp4-9.0.001-linux64.tar.gz
2024-07-16 11:33:22  3539 M  ccp4-9.0.001-shelx-arpwarp-linux64.tar.gz

*Ignore dates - the latest version is downloaded and installed.

Last modified: 'Tue 16 Jul 14:34:01 BST 2024'